The Assam Association, Mumbai, a nonprofit, nonpolitical, charitable, educational and cultural organization was registered under charity commissioner, Mumbai in 1990 (Regd. No. 577) in Mumbai, India. It conducts, coordinates and promotes the community, cultural and social activities among the people of Assam and North Eastern Region of India and the cultures of other parts of India.
The Assam Association Mumbai holds a general election for its new executive body every two years. All the members are eligible for participating in the election and the membership is open to all, irrespective of caste, creed and religion.
Our mission is to promote a harmonious blend of our diverse culture and rich values with today's hi-tech, fast-paced, success-driven way of life - with a view to nurturing well-balanced, exemplary new generations who will continue to be role models and enrich the world in greater measure. We are committed to sustaining and promoting our culture and heritage, supporting the society we live in, and reinforcing our future generation with meaningful values.